Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) RISE & Inspire

The Harris Center's

Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) RISE & Inspire

RISE Program: Responsive Intervention Services & Engagement

At the RISE Program, we believe every child deserves the opportunity to thrive. Our expert team specializes in early intervention to help children achieve their fullest potential through:

  • Speech, occupational, and physical therapy tailored to your child’s unique needs
  • Play-centered approaches that foster connection and learning
  • Guidance from Certified Family Partners who have firsthand experience supporting children with developmental challenges

Why Choose RISE?

Early support makes a difference. Without it, children may experience delays and lose critical developmental skills. With RISE, you’re not alone. We’re here to provide the tools, therapies, and advocacy needed for your child’s success.

A Certified Family Partner will be there to help empower you along the way as your advocate. CFPs are people who have similar experiences caring for a child with mental or behavioral health challenges, and they are there to help you break down barriers and understand your child's needs and rights better.

Contact 713-970-8777 for more information.

This program is in partnership with the Department of Economic Equity and Opportunity at Harris County.

Program Highlights 

Develop stronger bonds with your child through play.

Build a supportive community of experts and families.

Boost your child’s brain and body development.

Ages 0 - 3 years

ECI-RISE provides evidence-based therapeutic interventions, such as speech, physical, and/or occupational therapies to babies between 0 and 3 years of age who have a developmental delay or certain medical conditions, but do not meet eligibility criteria for traditional ECI services.

ECI-RISE also provides access to Certified Family Partners, who have lived experience in parenting a child with developmental delays. Certified Family Partners help identify barriers that prevent access to care , in addition to providing encouragement and support.

Services are provided in the family home, day care, and/or other community-based setting.

Ages 0-6 years

For children aged 0-6 with a developmental delay, intellectual disability, and/or autism spectrum disorder, our Inspire program can help with access to needed services directly related to the child’s disability. Services may include assistive technology/services such as therapeutic interventions, adaptive aids, specialized equipment, and transportation, as well as respite care.

Contact Us

Ready to help your child shine? Call us at 713-970-8777 to learn more.
In collaboration with the Harris County Department of Economic Equity and Opportunity.