Jail Diversion Short-Term Transitional Housing RFA
THE HARRIS CENTER FOR MENTAL HEALTH and IDD(formerly known as Mental Health Mental Retardation of Harris County) will be accepting responses to a Request for Application(RFA) for the following service:
Open Enrollment Application Process for
Jail Diversion Transitional Housing
Overview Of the Program
The Jail Diversion Center is a pre-arrest alternative to incarceration for individuals with mental illness who have committed non-violent, low-level offenses, with initial focus on trespassers. Care Coordinators as well as licensed clinicians will provide assessments, integrated care plans and treatment to assist in an individual’s stabilization. Clients will engage in psychosocial programming, peer support and daily activities. Care Coordinators or licensed clinicians will provide extensive discharge planning to coordinate access to housing, social services and treatment post discharge, utilizing case managers and peer support.
Vendor’s Role:
In addition to the care coordination services described above, The Harris Center will provide emergency, temporary, or permanent housing. We are seeking a pool of Vendors to provide housing to the clients enrolled in The Harris Center’s Jail Diversion Center. All program participants will be eligible to receive Housing Choice Vouchers prior to any permanent housing placement. Please refer to the Vendor Criteria and Requirement lists noted below.
Vendor Criteria:
Each Applicant must provide the following:
- IRS Form W-9
- Certificate of Occupancy
- Proof of General Liability Insurance
- Proof of Business AutomobileLiability Insurance (if transporting residents)
- Proof of successful Fire Marshal Inspection within last year
Vendor Requirements:
- Facility meets all housing codes, per city, state and federal regulations
- Housing must be Handicap Accessible
- Housing preferably should be “All Bills Paid”
- Housing preferably should be Furnished
- Vendor must consent to a Site Visit prior to the approval of the application as a site
- Vendor must be willing to enter into a short-term housing agreement with The Harris Center for benefit of resident
- Keep the Facility clean and safe
- Respond to requests for maintenance or upkeep
- Room size or sleeping quarters must be at least 70 square feet per resident
- Ensure that utilities that are included in the rent, are in working order and consistently available to resident
- Provide monthly report of clients housed by unit # and number of days in unit
The HARRIS CENTER reserves all rights to reject any and/or all responses, to waive formalities and reasonable irregularities in submitted documents as it deems to be in its best interests, and is not obligated to accept the lowest response.